Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Women of Horror Sketch Cards-Shelly Duvall

My first piece for 2012. Another in the Women of Horror Sketch Card series. This is Shelly Duvall in The Shining. I think it came out pretty good. Not real happy with her mouth, but it is tough working this small. Going to do one or two more and then move on to something a little different.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking Back at 2011-Part 2

So here is some more of my favorite work from the past year.-

Horror Necklaces
So I was trying to think of some easy art pieces that I could sell at conventions, or online and I came up with these little babies. They really are fun to make, and I hope that in 2012 I can sell them at some upcoming horror conventions.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking Back at 2011

Well, the new year is here and I thought that to welcome in 2012, I would look back at some of my favorite projects of 2011. I am hoping that 2012 brings just as much creativity as 2011.

Rob Zombie Halloween 2 Lunch Box
This was my first custom lunch box, and it was a great project to work on. I got a ton of great comments on it and I hope to do some more in the future.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Personal Sketch Card Backs

Working on designing a back for my own sketch cards. Here are a couple of the design ideas.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Women of Horror Sketch Cards

Started working on a series of sketch cards based on some of the best women in horror films. Hope to have about 15 or 20 before I am finished. Here are the first few. If you know who they are then you win the cupie doll!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bloggie Blog...Let's get things started

Well...I am diving into this blog thing with both feet. Going to try and update on a regular basis. Planning on this to be a showcase for all of my work, so make sure you stop by every now and then to check out the new stuff.